How to Set Up Instant Articles

1.Follow these steps to start publishing your own Instant Articles.
2.Use our sample code to add Instant Articles features to your articles.
3.Control the look and feel of your articles.
4.Master the basic ingredients of Instant Articles.
5.Import content from your CMS to Facebook.
6.Prepare a sample batch of articles for a one-time review.
7.If you’re stuck, get unstuck.

                                 Website or Blog

  • Instant Articles are articles from your site that load faster because they’re hosted on Facebook. Instant Articles require a web URL (what we refer to as the “canonical URL”) to make them work.

                       Access to Your Site’s HTML Code

... specifically, its <head>tag. To connect your site to Instant Articles, you’ll need to verify that you own it. (If an outside firm maintains your website, drop them a line to get help with the simple two-step registration process.

                               Your Publication’s Logo

  • Every Instant Article has got to have one. Upload a high resolution graphic file during setup.

                                      Facebook Page

  • The tools you use to set up and manage Instant Articles can be found on your Facebook Page. In order to get access, you’ll need your organization’s Page administrator to give you and other people working on Instant Articles roles on the Page. If you don’t have an existing Facebook Page, it’s easy to set one up.

                        What’s an Instant Article?

An Instant Article is an HTML document that loads very quickly in Facebook. Instant Articles give you the ability to tell rich stories in a branded and customizable article format that renders fast on mobile. With this guide, you’ll learn how to create an Instant Article and use a standardized markup language (similar to XML) to make your stories come alive with custom styles and interactive functionality

 Will Your Instant Articles Post  Automatically on Your Facebook Page

Building an Instant Article does not automatically create a corresponding Facebook post. It is a separate tool meant to enhance your article once someone shares it on Facebook. It simply means that any time a reader on a mobile device is directed to the article’s URL on Facebook, the link will be displayed as an Instant Article.